
If you're willing to put in the work, and some money, you can keep your car for many years. Click here for more information.

Tips to Extend the Life of Big Rig Tires

11 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Buying big rig tires is different than choosing a set of tires for the family car. Commercial trucks often carry extremely heavy loads and travel hundreds, if not thousands, of miles each week, so the tires have to be durable and in good condition. Truckers typically have delivery deadlines, so the last thing you want to do is be struck in the middle of nowhere waiting on assistance for a flat tire. Read More …

Commercial Roofing Upgrades: What To Know

11 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you are ready to put a new roof on your commercial property and you aren't sure which materials are the best, you want to talk with the roofing expert about metal roofing. There are some other materials that you want to see in the quote, to ensure that you're getting a high quality and efficient roof. You want to choose a product that is affordable, robust, and environmentally friendly at the same time. Read More …

Reasons Why You Should Invest In Leather Seats For Your Truck

7 April 2016
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

If you own a truck and spend a lot of time driving in it, you likely want to make sure that spending time in your car is as enjoyable as possible. One way to make spending time in your truck more comfortable is to add leather seats. However, you might worry that the expense is not worth it. Here are some questions that you should ask yourself in order to determine if installing leather seats in your truck is going to be a worthwhile endeavor. Read More …

How To Remove Auto Body Overspray

7 April 2016
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

If you aren't sure whether or not your vehicle has paint overspray, feel the surface for rough areas. In some cases, paint being used on another vehicle lands on a vehicle close by, and the spots will be a different color. After the overspray paint dries, it can be difficult to remove, but you can still attempt to remove it yourself. Here are some tips to remove auto body overspray. Read More …

Teenager Finally Have Their License? 4 Safety Tips To Keep Them Safe If Their Car Breaks Down

6 April 2016
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

If your teenager is about to start driving, they've probably taken a driver's training course that has taught them what they'll need to know to be a safe driver. While that's important, it's also important that they know how to be safe while driving. Part of that safety is understanding the safety precautions they should take if their car ever breaks down while they're out driving. How they react to the situation will determine how safe they'll be while they wait for the tow truck to arrive. Read More …

About Me
Making Your Car Happy

When my car started having serious trouble, I knew that I needed to do something to make things right. Although friends and family members pressured me to sell it and to buy a different car, I decided that it might be worth it to focus on repairs. I took the car to an automotive shop in my area, and they started focusing on finding what the problem was. It took a little money to get things fixed, but it was still a lot less than buying a new car. This blog is all about making your car happy and investing time into that old ride.